Kleineres Update für Gran Turismo Sport veröffentlicht

Das bringt Version 1.30

News Michael Sosinka

Polyphony Digital hat das etwas kleinere Update 1.30 für "Gran Turismo Sport" auf der PlayStation 4 veröffentlicht, das sich um Probleme mit dem Sport-Mode kümmert. Der Changelog hat die Details.


Gran Turismo Sport - Update 1.30

Sport Mode

  • Corrected the issues below where the race start was not working properly in the Daily Races and Championships:
  • At the time of race start, the players car that should be in motion is stopped and stuck at the start position. Sometimes this also shows the car jittering to the left and right.
  • At the time of race start, the car starts from halfway through the track
Quelle: gearnuke.com
